How do I route select programs to the Aux outputs?

By default, all factory Programs are routed to the primary, Main L & R Outputs. The PC3, however, features a secondary pair of analog outs named “Auxiliary” (Aux) that you can reroute signals to as needed.

Here are the basic steps for routing an entire program to the Aux/Secondary outputs:

1) Select desired program (in Program Mode)

2) Press Edit. You will see something similar to:

3) Press [<more] 3 times

4) Press [PROGFX]

5) The “Output” routing parameters are in upper right hand corner of display. There are separate controls for the insert effect path and the two Aux Returns. Set all in-use FX busses to “Sec.”.(note in the example here Aux 2 is unused so no need to reroute it)

6) Exit and save the program
