How can I select Multis via MIDI?

To select Multis via MIDI you need to go into the Global mode and set the “Local Chan” (Local Channel) to match the one channel you are wanting to send program changes on to the SP6.

  1. Press GLOBAL
  2. Using the Previous/- and Next/+ button select the “Local Chan” parameter:

  3. Using the data wheel or numeric keypad, set it to the desired channel – for. ex here we chose channel 16:

  4. Press MULTI to exit the Global mode and enter Multi mode.
  5. To now select any given Multi via MIDI, send a Bank LSB (cc32) and Program change (value = 0-127) on the channel chosen above in step 3. The table below shows the MIDI Bank (column 1) and Program Change (column 2) values needed to select any given SP6 Multi (column 4) via MIDI:
Values Sent To SP6 Multi Selected
MIDI Bank #
(cc#32 value)
Program Change SP6 Bank ID Range
(screen #)
0 1-127 Factory 1-127
1 0-2 Factory 128-130
1 125-127 Factory 253-255
2 0 Factory 256
8 1-127 User 1025-1151
9 0-127 User 1152-1279
10 0-127 User 1280-1407
11 0-127 User 1408-1535
12 0-127 User 1536-1663
13 0-127 User 1664-1791
14 0-127 User 1792-1919
15 0-127 User 1920-2047
16 0 User 2048

Read. pg. 6-3 in the SP6 Musician’s Guide for details on using the Local Channel.